29 August 2012

Social Networking share buttons now on blog posts + Life Update

I have a few blogs and wanted to keep up with technology & trends by adding the most popular Social Networking share buttons to all of my blog posts.  This way you can share the posts via Twitter, Google +, Facebook, sending to someone in an email or by pinning on Pinterest (mainly for pictures).

So above each blog post you will see the below:

As for why I haven't posted since March?!  Shame on Me!  Whack my hands with a ruler!  I was in Dubai from March 9th-12, then in Saudi from then until June 6th, then in Bahrain from June 6th-8th.  My twin sister has 3 small children (ages at the time were 3 almost 4, 2 & a half, slightly over 1 year).  So having said that, I was super busy and hardly had time to check email.  After I got back to the states from Saudi at the beginning of June I moved, then I moved again temporarily until my final place is ready.  Then the Islamic Month of Ramadan happened, then I got the flu and now have Bronchitis!  PHEWEEE!  Being that I have been in temporary housing, internet has been hit & miss.  What I would like to do is get back on track with posting a few recipes a week.  When I move to my final place, I would like to do some YouTube videos possibly of me making pies.  So that's what is going on in my neck of the woods!

So until I get back on track, KEEP UP THE PIE LOVE!


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  3. كشف تسربات المياه بالرياض be a major headache for homeowners and businesses alike. From the costly water bills to potential property damage, finding and fixing leaks quickly is essential. That's where water leak detection companies come in. These specialized companies use modern techniques and equipment to locate leaks with precision, saving you time, money, and stress. In this blog post, we'll explore the important role of water leak detection companies and why they are the go-to solution for addressing water leaks effectively.


I just LOVE Comments! Please share one! If you made the above recipe, we would LOVE to hear that too! :)